greenville engagement photos

Sunrise or sunset?

The best natural light happens within the hour after sunrise or the hour before sunset. Depending on the time of year, the sun rises in the upstate between 6:15 and 7:30, and sets between 5:20 and 8:45. I usually have my sessions closer to sunset because people tend to not want to be out at sunrise, but I’m usually open to either one. 

How you decide whether sunrise or sunset is the better option for you? 

Where does the scenic view face?

You’ll want the view behind you, but you also want the sun behind you for more flattering lighting and more colors in the sky. The sun rises over the water on east coast beaches and it sets over the water on west coast beaches. One example in the upstate is Pretty Place Chapel vs. Caesars Head. They overlook the same area, but they face different directions. Pretty Place will have the sun rise behind the cross, and Caesars Head will have the sun set behind the overlook. 

Do you want people there?

If you want to avoid crowds, it’s usually better to wake up early and get there before people are usually out. If you want other people there with you, like your family and friends, it might be easier for them to get there at sunset. 


The outside temperature tends to be cooler at sunrise and warmer at sunset. If you want your photos on a mountain, the cool air in the morning might be too much in the colder months. There could also be ice at higher elevations, which is more likely to form overnight and still be there in the morning. For a summer beach session or an elopement that involves hiking, sunrise might help you beat the heat. 


Sometimes in the mornings, the clouds are lower. At higher elevations, this might mean you don’t see the views down below, but it could also look really cool. 

We arrived to the park right when it opened, which was about an hour after sunrise. Nobody was at the overlook except for us, we were above the clouds, and Leah and Jacob got to spend the rest of the day celebrating being engaged! Read More


A sunrise session gives you more time to spend the day together later, while a sunset session gives you more time beforehand. If you want to have your hair and makeup done or head to a barbershop before having your photos done, you might have better luck with scheduling that before a sunset session. If you want to get married and spend the rest of your wedding day adventuring, sunrise might be a better option for you. 

We had this overlook all to ourselves and the background looks like a painting!

What if I can’t do sunrise or sunset?

It’s not impossible to get good photos midday, but the light isn’t as easy to work with, so it’s harder to get what you want in the background with flattering light on your faces. If midday is the only time you’re available, we can work it out. I typically pose people with the sun behind them, but if that’s not where the pretty background is, I try to have one person block the sun on the other, or I have them face the side so their eyes aren’t in the shadows. The sky tends to be bluer, but the background may be overexposed. Here are a few examples of photos I’ve taken midday to help you get an idea of how they’re different.

I hope this helps you decide what time of the day is the best option for you! Click here to set a date and time with me, or read some of my other posts below!

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Clemson Proposal | AC and Ben

This proposal has been in the works for 2 months now. Ben originally wanted to propose to AC on the day of the Clemson spring game. The pandemic came, the game was cancelled, and we heard people were being escorted off campus. We reconvened a few weeks later and set a new date. Ben organized a weekend trip to the mountains and would pass through Clemson on the way back.

Ben always knew he wanted to propose at the spot where they first met—outside of Core Campus, near the stadium. It was a quiet day on campus with only a few people passing through. He pulled up to their special spot and they walked down the steps. After they talked briefly about how that was where they met, Ben pulled something out of his backpack and got down on one knee. AC said she was completely caught off guard, but in the next few minutes, she found out that there was a lot more to this plan than she realized. Ben had gotten coordinating face masks off of Etsy just for these photos. He brought his Clemson ring in his backpack because she knew he didn’t normally wear it and he wanted to have it for the photos. AC’s family would be waiting for her at their lake house. Her friends had even suggested getting their nails done together a few days earlier!

We took some pictures around campus, and even though we got tired and sweaty, there was so much joy. As I walked behind them and took pictures, I kept overhearing AC:

“They knew?”
“She did?”

Check out some of my favorite photos from this special day!

Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer
Clemson Proposal | Clemson University Engagement | Upstate South Carolina Weddings | Greenville SC Wedding Photographer

Does this proposal look like what you had in mind? Check out some of my other posts below for more ideas, or click here to contact me about your own photos!

South Carolina Botanical Gardens and Clemson University Engagement | Presley and Logan


This engagement session is for an extra special couple. When Dan and I were at Clemson, we were part of Alpha Phi Omega, or APO, the service fraternity. Dan’s assigned little was a pledge named Logan, who quickly became one of our closest friends. Eventually, Logan was assigned a little, a pledge named Presley. Logan and Presley quickly became friends and eventually became a couple later that year.

APO formal is traditionally when each new member presents their big with a paddle they’ve decorated and each big presents their newly-initiated little with a stitched letter shirt. Presley was unable to attend formal in April, so she and her little planned to do the exchange a few days later. Her little, Hannah, suggested it might be fun to wear dresses and do the exchange somewhere pretty on campus and take some pictures. Presley wanted to come up with another plan when the forecast said it would rain, but Hannah convinced her that they could go to President’s Park and take cover under the rotunda if they needed to. As another APO brother took their pictures of them on his phone in front of the rotunda, he told Presley to turn around. She turned around and thought he was telling her to get out of the way of someone’s pictures, not realizing that the person with the camera was me with my hood on and that I was actually there to take pictures of her. He told Presley to turn around again, where she saw Logan, who had told her he was at work. He got down on one knee with the ring and Presley said yes!

Clemson Engagement President's Park
Clemson engagement photos President's Park
Clemson ring and engagement ring in pink flower blooms


Fast forward to a few minutes after Clemson beat South Carolina for the sixth year straight. It was the last day of November, but none of us were cold. Presley and Logan had chosen outfits that fit the location perfectly as it transitioned from fall to winter. We met up in the South Carolina Botanical Gardens for the first part of their session. We had JUST missed the peak foliage, but there was still plenty of fall color for us to find in the gardens. I loved the way the leaves on the ground added to the whole atmosphere. The new pier at the duck pond is so pretty and we had to get some pictures with it! I picked up all sorts of things that had fallen on the ground to set up for their ring shots. We then did a quick run through the main campus until the sun went down. After the sun went down, we headed over to Lee Hall to see what we could do with those huge glass windows at night.

Check out some of my favorites from this beautiful day!

Ready to take some photos of you and your favorite Clemson Tiger? Send me a message to get started, or check out some of my other work from around Clemson below!