Spring 2017 Clemson Graduates

Most portrait photographers will blog about every session they do.  My last 26 portrait sessions have been at Clemson University, so if I blogged about each one, the pictures would get a little repetitive. For the spring 2017 semester, I had 9 sessions (one got rained out twice and we're still working on finding a new date when we can both be at Clemson).  Here are some of the highlights from this graduating class.

March 11th: Michael

First up was Michael, who got to go in the stadium on a dark and cloudy day that ended with some light rain.  He's the only person to ask to have the bleachers that say "Tigers" in the background instead of the bleachers that say "Clemson."  He also was the only one to have traces of the paw painted on Bowman.  At 6'5" and 15 inches taller than me, he foreshadowed a semester of tall graduates, and I had to change some of my angles a little.  

March 18th: Becca

In the week between Michael's session and Becca's, we had snow.  Most of the blossoms and flowers were gone, leaving the trees bare enough to be able to see Tillman through some of them.  Becca's session was also ridiculously windy, which we used to our advantage a few times.  Since it was spring break, I tried the wide-angle shot on the paw on the road again, thinking there wouldn't be cars trying to come through that intersection, but there were.  Like me, Becca likes the rule of thirds, so we had some fun with using that in wide angle shots.

April 1st: Kerry and Claire

April Fool's Day brought some perfect weather and gorgeous flowers!  These two have been friends all four years of college and they were so much fun!

April 2nd: Ann

This was a double portrait weekend, with another day of perfect weather.  Ann showed her Clemson colors with a '16 jersey and a white dress and a big orange necklace.

Haylea and Kristen, April 9th

This was one session where everything just fell into place.  We were always in the right place at the right time for perfect lighting, and golden hour lighting with blonde curls is just a perfect combination.  


April 21st: Shelby

I got finished with work a little earlier than normal that week, so I drove down to Clemson to get to the botanical gardens with Shelby.  She also wanted to feature Brackett Hall, which houses the psychology department.

April 22nd: Patrick 

I don't know if this counts as another double portrait weekend since I came down for Shelby's on Friday and then the Sunday was free.  Patrick also got to go in the stadium.  We also went to Riggs Hall, which I always thought was a cool building, but Patrick had a different angle of it that he wanted.


April 28th: Brooke

I made a trip down to Clemson after a regular workday so we could have just one day with nice weather before the semester ended.  It was ridiculously humid, but thankfully, the rain held off, as it usually does.  We also got some pictures in a space of grass where my fiance and I used to hang out before we started dating.  It's a sentimental place to me, but this was the first time anyone had asked me for pictures there.

April 29th: Lora

It wasn't supposed to be my last session of the semester, but the one that was scheduled to be the last got rained out twice and hasn't happened yet and will hopefully happen this summer.  Lora's session was a good note to end the semester on, though.  Despite the 39039502 people taking prom pictures in the botanical gardens, we were able to find some pretty spots.  She also wore her Clemson jersey for the pictures by the stadium.  Lucky for us, the Reflection Pond had just been cleaned, and with all the cloud cover we had, it looked like a mirror behind her.

I had so much fun with this semester's graduates!  Hopefully my last one can be rescheduled to sometime soon.  In the meantime, I hope to start getting some high school seniors from around Greenville and see what scenic views I can get in my own neck of the woods.